Monday, November 3, 2008

Who says Materialism will be pur downfall?

I was thinking how lame it was that I didn't have any visible photos in my entire room of a single friend. If a stranger were to walk into it they'd get the impression (that I so often inadvertently give) that I'm a geek with a fondness for strange objects that would seem pretty out of place in any other (more boring) teenager's room.

Also a geek with no friends.

But I do, or I like to think I do. I have replaced photographs with objects, nearly every thing present in my room is traceable back to a person that has made some form of an impression in my life. Ain't that great?

Posters and cards - that were posted - and pictures - that were printed - on my wall, leftover bits of streamers, plushies, broken drumsticks, a crown made from a coke can, a plastic ring won at an arcade, a plastic piggy bank with daisies on it, a mini superman figurine, a crystal from the Drakensberg, a pebble from Brighton beach, chopsticks that have my name on them, a glass made from a Bacardi bottle, a long personalised painted invitation to a tea party that always forgets to happen, a picture I drew based on something she said, an incense holder from those Roman baths in Bath, a nutcracker, a pencil sharpener, bits of coral, a YoYo, a fan, a Yellow Submarine, a black toy guitar, a few rubber duckies - all from different sources, a flyer for a gig, a poster stolen from a party, a photograph of a flower, earrings, an expensively hidden teddy bear, a lame iPod sock, a ivory lion, a robot and even some flying metal pigs...

Oh how I could go on.

Every single item is connected to an individual, some have more than others, but there is not one left out.
So I don't need photographs see, because when I see the things I see them and remember their names and faces (I'm very good at that sort of thing, see?)

So I guess I do have friends, and though the items are random and displaced. Suppose my friends are too.

So I'm thinking most of them will never read this, a homage to their existence and their incredible importance to me. Oh well. Maybe one day?



Ernst Max said...

I like!

spotfishy said...

thanks ^___^
this is probably your fault you know, and the night before an exam no less.
for shame!

Ernst Max said...


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